Friday, July 18, 2014

forever a cool cat

About some time in April I decided that my obsession with Ed Banger needs to be recognized. I decided to get So-Me's design of a Cool Cat embedded onto my arm forever and it was the most scariest and painful situation I've ever been in. Their music means so much to me because I was introduced to it at a time in my life where I guess I finally felt like I fit in. It was my escape to listen to the varies mixes by Justice, Busy P and Mr. Oizo. 

P.S This little fucker hurt like hell after a while but it was well worth it :-)

my hobbies include, writing, dancing, watching holy ship videos & crying

IDK if you all have seen it or not but the Holy Ship lineups have been released.
(I know I am a l i t t l e late but whatevz) and that's right lineup(S).
I'm just going to let the lineup speak for itself

Personally, I start screeching every time anyone even MENTIONS this saintly ship. And then I start to cry inside because this party literally keeps getting more and more exclusive as the years pass by. I would sell one of my kidneys to attend February sailing, but that's just my crazy ed banger/bromance records fangirl talking. You won't find me on this ship but you will find me roaming through the Whitter Festival Grounds August 2nd & 3rd for Hard Summer =^-^=

What living in Vegas has taught me - a guide on how to survive clubbing

So I have been living in Las Vegas for about a year now and can you BELIEVE I am s t  i l l here? Well yeah, thanks to sunscreen, my savings account, water, and smoothies. But let me tell you what I learned from living here so far, what NOT to do and how to make your Vegas life/trip/rendezvous A LOT easier. I am still learning what this city has to offer, with that being said be safe my little party monsters! xoxo

1. Pre-game accordingly. DO NOT GO OUT TO A BAR THEN CLUB. you will be stuck at the bar for god knows how long and we don't want that. the mission is THE CLUB. so grab a bottle and swig it like you did in high school.

2. Don't pregame TOO much, please. if youre a girl most likely you can either A) get drink tickets or B) find an Arabian billionaire to buy you and your girls a round. If all else fails, ALL clubs in Vegas have in's and out's. So you can leave, go to the car/room and take a couple more shots before the main DJ goes on. JUST DON'T FORGET TO GET A STAMP ON YOUR WAY OUT.

3. If you are driving to the club and meeting friends there, for the love of god park in self - parking preferably the top floor of self parking. it's easy to remember and you can EASILY find your friends before you all make your grand entrance.

4. If you are party fiend and want to go to more than one club a night, it is possible. Let's say you want to go to 2 clubs. One of which your friend has a table at (free drinks aka bottle lingerer, it's ok we are all lingerers) and the other club your favorite DJ is playing. Go to the club in which your favorite DJ is playing first, and go EARLY then leave but dont forget your stamp. Then head over to the free table club, drink and whatnot then head over to the other club, skip that long ass line of thots waiting to get in and WHAM.

5. Never, I mean N E V E R wear heels unless you are a Greek goddess with supernatural powers. You can't go wrong with cute flats, honestly. The only time I have ever worn heels was my first night in Vegas in which I took them off mid-dance floor and while dancing with a babe he looked down and saw my bare feet covered in confetti, not cute and embarrassing.

6. Guys will try and grind on you. And it will be annoying. When I usually feel some creepo's bulge I freeze, take out a cigarette and blow the smoke in their direction with an extreme bitch face. Works every time.

7. If you fangirl over DJ's it's TOTALLY easy to actually meet them depending on the club. You have to linger and be fast. KNOW YOUR EXITS AND ENTRANCES.

8. You can smoke INSIDE the club, crazy right?? Now watch where you point your cigarette you don't want to burn a babe.

9. Don't buy drinks at the club unless you want to be full of regret in the morning. Seriously. Drinks at a Las Vegas club do not go below $11

10. You are going to meet people that you will never talk to again, mostly because they are from Idaho or whatever. Make up a name, have FUN with it. You are in Vegas after all.


Partly, because it's half indoors half outdoors and because it's one of the VERY FEW places where you dont have spend 5 grand just to sit down. Plus its free vodka and champagne for ladies 10pm-1am.
This is also the number one spot where it is almost a guarantee that you can meet the DJ.
(Also very similar to XS)

This was the first club I ever went to in Vegas, It was also the most newest edition. It's very spacious on the sides, AVOID THE BACK OF THE CLUB BY ALL MEANS. It only has 2 bars which is kind of meh but over all, the performers, and entire show that comes with the club IS AH-MAZING

I love this club mostly because it attracts the hottest babes. There is something about Marquee that it's just the mecca of hot guys and girls. Oh, the music is pretty amazing too. It follows a similar layout to that of Surrender and XS. Inside and outside area. More room to frolock with the babes!

LET ME TELL YOU. Some of the BEST nights have been spent at this little gem inside the MGM. If you are looking to completely rage and forget everything I suggest Hakkasan. This mega structure makes me feel like I'm at EDC again. The is absolutely NO free seats, no drink tickets, it's kind of exclusive if you don't prepare ahead of time. But the sound quality and the energy these DJ's give out every night is worth the stress. TRUST.

This is one of my favorite locals night. Even though the club is SUPER tiny, given it's location (right in front of the Bellagio's dancing water fountains) it's pretty epic. They give away TONS of drink tickets, some of them are even good to order WHATEVER drink at the bar (shot, mixed drink, etc.) The DJ usually spins a little bit of everything from, EDM, Hip-Hop, and Old School.